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Gathre  Membership Agreement


Gathre Member Agreement

Gathre is a small, secular, diverse group which values our varied approach to education within our own families, believes in our Constitutional Freedom to gather as we choose, and holds community and friendships as an integral part of our journey as homeschoolers.  We also uphold Medical Freedom of every person, and will never forcibly mask our children or require any vaccine to be a part of our community. 

Meeting Information
We meet at the Reynoldsburg Church of Christ, 1649 Graham Rd, on Mondays from 10:30 am to 2:00 pm. Everyone assists in setting up and cleaning up, so being on time is imperative.  If Franklin County is under a level 1 snow emergency, our classes will not meet.  We will meet September 11 - October 16th, 2023 for our 1st quarter, October 23th - December 11th, 2023 for our 2nd quarter, January 8th - March 4th, 2024 for our 3rd quarter, and March 11 - May 6th, 2024 for our 4th quarter. May 13th, 2024 will be our field/ year end day.

Our co-op fee is $85 per family, per 14-ish week Semester, only 2 times per year. Due by September 11 & January 8th.  This cost covers the rent of the facility, website fees, insurance and some supplies. There will be additional costs for materials, projects, classes, etc. Each family will pay a $9 application / homeschool - life website “member fee”, only 1 time per co-op year. 


CO-OP BUDGET / Membership Dues:


Gathre Website $281

Gathre Insurance $500

Church Donation $1000

Christmas Party $100

Valentines Party $100

Halloween Party $100

Field Day $100

Coffee/Creamer $150

Parent Meeting $60

Cleaning Supplies $100



We accept checks made payable to Gathre or via FRIENDS & FAMILY PayPal to with “GATHRE fees” in the info space. Venmo @gathrehomeschool OR Cashapp $gathrehomeschool 

Once you have paid your dues there will be NO refunds, as these fees go toward the cost of the facility & operations.

Our primary form of communication will be using the Gathre Facebook group. This page is private and unsearchable, so you must be added by a member.  Please check the page regularly for updates and important information.  If there is last-minute information to be sent out, we will make every effort to contact you directly by Facebook messenger or text.(Facebook is temporary and were in  transition to switch to homeschool-life website for our primary form of communication. Please give grace as we improve our community!

General Procedures

Our arrival time is 10:15 am.  There is a large parking lot in the rear that is ours to use.  Please use the back door for entering/exiting the building.  We will keep the doors locked during Co-op hours for the safety of our families.  We will be setting up from 10:00am - 10:15am and we need the assigned set-up families to participate to make sure it goes quickly and smoothly. Late arrivals will disrupt our set-up time and possibly our classes.  Our first class begins at 10:30 am.

Each parent is responsible for the supervision of their child(ren) at all times.  This includes during set-up, lunch, and between classes.  The parent may assign another person over 12 to be responsible for their child(ren) for a SHORT period of time if the parent is going to be occupied.  At no time should a parent assume someone other than themselves is responsible for their child(ren), except during cleaning when we have designated child care leaders.

Any damage to the property of the co-op, or the property of another family, will immediately be replaced or repaired at the time and expense of the person or responsible adult/family.  NO EXCEPTIONS.

We will need setting up, tearing down and cleaning to be a collective effort.  Every family will be expected to participate in some way to keep things running smoothly. 

Any children playing outdoors must be under adult supervision.


Attendance and Illness

We have a STRICT attendance policy.  If you have signed the application, you have agreed to abide by it.  It is a group effort to ensure each class day goes smoothly.  The success of our co-op is dependent upon the dedication and participation of everyone. 

The plans for classes, and the supplies and materials purchased/brought, are often determined by how many students are in each class, and how many adult helpers are present.  Arriving late, leaving early, and/or missing class should be a last-resort option for each family. 

If you or anyone in your family has experienced vomiting or diarrhea within the last 12 hours, or a fever in the last 24 hours, please do not attend.  Otherwise, please use your best judgment.

If you are often late or leaving early, or if you are absent more than 2 class days in a Semester, a leader will contact you to discuss the situation.

If you need to be absent or late:
You MUST find someone to fill in for your teaching/assistant duties
You MUST figure out how to get any claimed supplies to co-op, INCLUDING preschool items if applicable.
You MUST find a substitute for your cleaning, and set-up/tear down duties

When locating a substitute, every effort should be made to find someone through private means BEFORE making a public post on one of the group pages.

One of my children has a fever. My first step is to message a leader privately to let them know I will be absent.  I will then call my co-teacher, or another parent in my classes to let them know, and to ask them to cover me.  I will drop off any supplies I signed up to bring to someone close to me, or arrange for them to pick them up from me.  Finally, I will check to see who could cover my cleaning, and I will message them to ask them to cover me.  If I am not able to locate anyone, I will make a public post on the Facebook page asking for a substitute.


Each family will have a cleaning assignment.  Your duties must be completed in full before leaving for the day.  To ensure all duties are completed and all families are able to leave on time, we respectfully ask that you check with others before leaving, to assist anyone still cleaning.

Each class will have one or more teachers, plus helpers.  Every parent will have a teaching or helping assignment.  Your assignment will be based on what classes your children are in.  The teachers will be responsible for planning class content and updating the weekly document with a supply list.  Every parent with a child in that class will be responsible for signing up to bring needed supplies.


We welcome extended family to attend class days with members.  We will also be open to other visitors on a case-by-case basis.  Please contact a coordinator for approval before class day.

We respectfully ask that children not be running in the hallways, screaming, yelling, or otherwise being disruptive to others. Classrooms will be off-limits before & after co-op, and during lunch.  

General Policies

To the best of their ability, each member of our Co-Op must agree to:
Arrive on time
Participate fully
Attend weekly
Sign up for bringing supplies for their child(rens) classes each class day.
Complete cleaning duties with intention each class day before leaving, and helping others as necessary.
Be responsible for themselves and, if a parent or adult, their own children.
Remain on the property at all times unless Karin Hogg, Marlee Francis, or Jess Chaney have been notified.
Not unlock the front or back door without permission of a coordinator.
Pay all fees by the first day of class ( Application / Homeschool - Life must be paid at the time of application)
Find someone to cover your responsibilities if you will be late or absent
Help others where needed and when you can
Be mindful and gentle with words, actions and attitude.
Respect other members of the Co-Op at all times.
Contact Karin Hogg, Marlee Francis, or Jess Chaney if you have any issues that cannot be resolved
Respect the property and the items in it at all times
Never be under the influence of drugs or alcohol while at Co-Op
Never bring drugs or alcohol into our facility or onto our property.



We created this Co-Op to allow us the ability to meet, gather and have fellowship with other Homeschoolers.  While we see ourselves as a community as a whole, ultimately, the parent is responsible for their own child(ren) at all times, and holds full liability of one's self & family. 

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